Teammate 1.2.6
I’ve added support for Strike Force Justian to Teammate. For now I’m assuming that the team will use the Security and Seek & Destroy archetypes. If GW clarifies this I’ll have to issue an update but we’ll go for that for now.
By default, operatives on the team are named after their datacards but you can click the dice icon to randomize their name based on your preferred parent chapter. You can also use the “namesake” menu when creating the team to pick a sergeant or captain to name the Strike Force after.
This update also fixes a bug relating to deleting rare equipment, and you should now be able to dismiss the keyboard if you record notes about a game during a match.
Finally, I will be attending the New York Open November 4–5. Teammate is an official sponsor; attendees will get a small treat in their swag bags. There’s a GT which includes an expenses-paid golden ticket to the finals in Atlanta as well as two one-day narrative events. Through November you can tap the “NY Open” button in the bottom bar of the app for more info.