In addition to adding the teams and missions from Kill Team: Nightmare, this edition adds fun emoji score grids that you can share after your matches:

Nemesis Claw (18) vs Mandrake (16)


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Shared with Teammate: Kill Team Aide

When you click “Finish Game” after any match, the emoji score sheet will be copied to your clipboard so you can paste it into a text, social media, Discord, etc. You can also get a score sheet back by going into your team’s Game History for any game played with this version or later.


  • Nightmare: Nemesis Claw and Mandrake teams now available.
  • Shadow Operations: Missions from Kill Team: Nightmare are now available.
  • Score Recap: Finishing a game now copies your score to the clipboard so you can share it online.
  • Game History: Games played with version 1.2.12 or later will show a button to copy the score to your clipboard.
  • Quick Score: Added a Clear Score button to the toolbar. The quick score sheet will remember your score until you click Finish Game or clear the score manually.
  • Score Sheet: The score sheet is no longer a pop-up.
  • Spec Ops: Choosing a mission will now automatically set the appropriate game type (open, close quarters, hazardous areas) for Tac Op selection.